Theater (Minor)
Let’s get started
The Theater minor is designed for students who wish to augment their major program of study with a series of courses that promote the study of theater as a global phenomenon for reflecting the human experience.
For more information, contact
How to Apply
Applications will ONLY be accepted in Week One of each quarter, each year. Summer applications are accepted by Student Petition (blue).
Please Note: When you have met the criteria to declare a Theater Minor, please note that all degree requirements, including the specific requirements for the theater minor, must be fulfilled within the unit maximum as noted on your Degree Progress/Audit Report. The Theater Minor is a self-sufficient minor, where students can determine their progress on their own on the Degree Audit Reporting System, accessible via your MyUCLA page. If there are any questions about the minor, students can send an e-mail to:
TFT cannot guarantee that students adding the minor during their final quarter of study will have the minor processed before they graduate.
Please give yourself enough time to complete the minor. The minor cannot be completed within one year, and course availability varies from year to year. Students must take at least six (6) upper division courses from the Theater Minor course list to complete the Theater minor.
You must meet the following criteria:
1. Declare a major in a department other than Theater
2. Be in good academic standing (minimum 2.0 grade point average)
3. Complete at least one (preferably two) UCLA Theater courses with a final grade of C or better in the course(s).
IMPORTANT: All degree requirements, including the specific requirements for the minor, must be fulfilled within the maximum units to degree permitted by your School or College. Students who exceed their maximum units to degree may make themselves ineligible for a degree and/or may be removed from the minor. If you will exceed your unit maximum to degree or are unsure, please consult with an adviser in your School or College before applying to the minor.
ALL STUDENTS OVER 150 CUMULATIVE UNITS: If you are considering a minor in Theater, and you have already earned 150 units or more (including your AP and IB credits), approval of your minor declaration will be petitioned with your school/college counseling office.
STUDENTS IN THE SCHOOLS OF ARTS & ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING, MUSIC OR PUBLIC AFFAIRS: Once cleared by our office, your Program Change Petition will be forwarded to your school counseling office. If they approve it, they will enter your minor program on your record.
Check Requirements
Review and submit a completed Theater Minor Course List & Program Requirements form.
- Must indicate at least one (preferably two) Theater course(s) from the Theater Minor Course List that you have taken and received at least a letter grade of C or better.
- A maximum of 12 units may be used for both the major and the minor.
- Only courses on this list taken at UCLA will be considered.
All applicants must complete an Undergraduate Program Change Petition
Degree Audit Report (DARs)
Submit a copy of your Degree Progress/Audit Report from MyUCLA. To run and print an audit, log on to MyUCLA, click on the “Academics” link, then follow the Academic Profile links to the Degree Progress/Audit Report.
Policies & Procedures
Submit a signed and dated copy of the Theater Minor Policies & Procedures form.
All documents must be submitted in one package and not separately to TFT Student Services. Please use the link below to submit your Minor application ONLINE.