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Suryansu Guha

Ph.D. student, Cinema Media Studies

Suryansu Guha’s doctoral research focuses primarily on the global dispersion of post-production and localization work. Of particular interest to him are the networks of outsourcing and conditions of employability of post-production workers. His research involves close observation of post-production workers (such as VFX workers, color graders, sound designers, foley artists, recordists, subtitlers, etc.) and studios for the purposes of documenting their creative contributions, modes of compensation and continued precarity. In addition to presenting at numerous conferences including SCMS, Suryansu’s work has been published in prestigious academic journals such as Television and New Media. He was recently awarded the Wenner Gren Award for Dissertation Fieldwork. 

Research Interests

Media industries studies, digital labor, critical infrastructure studies, South Asian film and media, videographic scholarship and criticism


M.Phil., English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
M.A., English Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
B.A., English Literature, Critical Theory and Culture Studies, The University of Calcutta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

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