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Sam Hunter

Ph.D. student, Cinema Media Studies

Sam Hunter’s research emerges from the overlap of new media and Internet studies, queer theory and Left political critique. He is particularly interested in how the Internet’s facilitation of networked communication and circulation of both “new” and “old” media has intersected with, and at times formed, the strategy and horizon of queer politics. His current project scans the queer Internet from the early 1990s to the present for cybercultures, platforms and other ephemeral traces of digital identity and queer politics.

Research Interests

New media and the internet, queer theory and history, critical theory


M.A., English Literature, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2019
B.A., English Creative Writing & Literature, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2018


“Love, Victor and the Politics of Networking Queer Intimacy.” Invited talk. Cinema & Media Studies Graduate Colloquium, UCLA (February 2021).

“Whispers and Shouts: Coming Out and the Social in Mainstream American Film.” Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality Symposium, Miami University (February 2019).

Selected Publications

Essays on Lady BirdMy Own Private Idaho and Wet Hot American Summer, Encyclopedia of LGBTQIA+ Portrayals in American Film, edited by Erica Dymond. Rowan & Littlefield (forthcoming).

“Making Sex Public, and Other Cinematic Fantasies by Damon R. Young (review).” Film & History 50.1 (Summer 2020). 101-102.