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Theater BA: Integrated Studies Emphasis

Integrated Studies offers the greatest latitude
among the areas of study in the undergraduate Theater major.

Students in the program may customize their electives to fit their intent for studying theater at UCLA TFT.

Integrated Sudies is designed to be an interdisciplinary approach to the study of Theater. Incoming students interested in the directing or playwriting emphases, in pursuing upper division coursework in theater and performance studies or in applied theatre, in cross-training within the major or in having the maximum freedom to pursue a variety of curricular and extracurricular interests while in college should consider Integrated Studies. There is no directed sequence of courses to take beyond the required courses needed to graduate, which makes this emphasis best suited for students who are ready for a broad exploration of their interests. Most classes are open to integrated studies theater studies students. However, some elective emphasis classes in acting and musical theater are subject to a competitive audition.


Students in the program may customize their electives to fit their intent for studying theater at UCLA TFT.


Students are required to meet with the undergraduate vice chair at the beginning of each year, and can elect to meet with a faculty mentor if they wish.


Playwriting Sequence: Students with a specific interest in playwriting may enroll in Theater Arts 30/Dramatic Writing, offered to Department of Theater students in their first and second years. In alternate years beginning in their sophomore or junior year, students have the opportunity to explore a variety of forms and approaches to writing for performance through the study of new plays as literature and through a sequence of four playwriting workshops which require writing samples and instructor consent for enrollment.


Directing sequence Students with a specific interest in directing may enroll in Theater 15 and Theater 160. In alternate years beginning in their sophomore or junior year, students can continue the directing emphasis in three advanced specialization classes which require instructor consent for enrollment. Students in the directing sequence will be taught and exposed to a variety of directing genres and approaches.