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Welcome to the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT).

This 2023-24 TFT Orientation will provide you with information and resources to help guide you through life as a theater or film and television student.

We wish you all the best at the start of the year. Please click the button below that matches your department and student level for the agenda for our two day orientation event.

Enjoy and again, welcome!


UCLA Resources & Information

UCLA Arthur Ashe Student Health and Wellness Center
Ashe Center 2023 Presentation

UCLA Center for Accessible Education (CAE)
CAE 2023 Presentation

UCLA Graduate Student Resource Center (GSRC)
GSRC 2023 Presentation

UCLA International Education Office (IEO) – Study Abroad
IEO TFT 2023 Presentation


TFT Information

Department of Theater 2023/2024 Season

TFT TA & SR 2023 Orientation

TFT Fall 2023 MFA FTVDM Presentation

TFT Fall 2023 MA and PhD FTVDM Presentation

Fall 2023 CMS First Year Presentation