The Augmented Reality and Theater Summer Institute is a three-week, UC credit-bearing intensive program for students interested in emerging technologies applied to performing arts. This institute provides opportunities to work with our distinguished faculty in classes that cover creative and technical development of a theatrical project incorporating augmented reality (AR). This experience will allow students to collaboratively develop theatrical scenes integrating Web-based AR with traditional production elements such as scenery, and lighting. Students will learn the technical components of script adaptation, directing, and design while gaining hands-on experience. Beyond the classroom, students will attend guest workshops, and learn the art of collaboration.
The program is designed for artists and students who seek additional discipline and training required for participation in a university theater program with a focus on interactive media or a career in the entertainment industry. Credit earned in these courses can fulfill some of the UCLA Undergraduate Theater requirements. Participation in this institute is open to college students.
As a commuter, housing contracts are not available through UCLA Housing Department, however, the UCLA Summer Hostel that is located on the residence hill provides housing options for all registered UCLA Summer Sessions who are 18 years of age or older. For those who will not securing housing on campus, it is expected that students who dall into this category will commute to class daily.
Summer Sessions parking permits will be available beginning May 30 on a first-come, first-served basis. Students have the option to purchase a summer term permit or a daily permit.
Please review the Transportation and Parking Services web page and read the “Summer Quarter Parking (All Students)” section for more information on all permit types, including cost.
Program participants will earn units of credit on a letter-grading basis and will be recorded on an official University of California transcript. Please note that official transcripts are not automatically sent to students. To request a transcript, please contact the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Theater 150; 2 units
Theater 176A; 4 units
Application deadline
Enrollment Deadline
July 22nd-August 9th, 2024